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I was not an “anti-vaxxer”. I willingly got the Covid shots (two Moderna) as soon as my age group became eligible in March of 2021 (second shot in April).
By the grace of God, I haven’t experienced any serious adverse events.
My awakening started around September of 2021.
I now consider myself and “ex-vaxxer”. I will NEVER have another “vaccine” injected into my body.
Who knew that just by reading some books and uncensored authors (particularly on Substack), you could uncover the truly awful and heartbreaking truth (about so very many things)???!!!
Be sure to check the “archives” for my previous posts that began in May of 2024. The majority of these posts contain photos and videos of the white fibrous clots from the deceased, as well as the living.
What Tom Haviland learned with just a little digging
In early September, I notified Tom Haviland that a woman had recently posted a comment on one of Steve Kirsch’s Substack articles about her recent visit to a blood donation service called “One Blood.” The woman boarded One Blood’s mobile RV, the “Big Red Bus,” to donate her blood right on the bus. Before she did so, however, she had to answer some “pre-donation” questions. One of those questions was, “Have you taken the Covid-19 vaccine?”
Intrigued by this pre-donation question, Tom contacted One Blood’s headquarters by phone. He told the person answering the phone that he had a question about one of their pre-donation questions. The person at the other end said that he could not answer that question, but that he would transfer him to the One Blood department that could answer that question at (954)-625-3510.
Once transferred to the proper department, Tom spoke to a nice One Blood representative named Rose who is originally from Jamaica. Here’s how the phone conversation went:
Tom I have a question about your pre-donation question on the Covid vaccine.
Rose: I realize that some of our questions are personal, but there is a very good reason that we ask a pre-donation question about whether the donor has taken the Covid vaccine or not.
Tom: What’s the reason?
Rose: One Blood does NOT process the plasma of Covid-vaccinated donors.
Tom: Would you please repeat that.
Rose: One Blood does NOT process the plasma of Covid-vaccinated donors. One Blood does process the plasma of unvaccinated donors, as well as the whole blood from both Covid-vaccinated and unvaccinated donors.
Tom: Why does One Blood NOT process the plasma of Covid-vaccinated donors.
Rose: (No answer. Silence.)
Tom: Could it be because the mRNA from the vaccine is being found in the plasma?
Rose: Yes, the mRNA from the vaccine is in the plasma. You’re a pretty smart guy.
Tom: Thank you, Rose.
Phone call ends.
Tom passed this information to Clayton Morris at “Redacted News.” Clayton looked at the website for the American Red Cross and discovered that the Red Cross DOES accept and process both the plasma and whole blood from Covid-vaccinated donors, as well as from unvaccinated donors. The website stipulates, however, that donors should wait at least 2 weeks after taking their last Covid vaccine before they donate their blood.
Tom double-checked the Red Cross website information by calling their 1-800-733-2767 number and talking to a Red Cross representative named Benita who confirmed that all of the information on the Red Cross website is correct.
These two phone calls to One Blood and the American Red Cross should raise all kinds of questions:
Why do One Blood and the Red Cross have two DIFFERENT policies for processing the plasma or NOT processing the plasma of Covid-vaccinated donors?
If One Blood does not process the plasma of Covid-vaccinated donors, then why does One Blood accept the whole blood of Covid-vaccinated donors, knowing that the donor’s plasma is part of their whole blood?
Why does the Red Cross want Covid-vaccinated donors to wait at least 2 weeks after their last Covid jab before donating their plasma or whole blood? Is it because they believe that the mRNA from the vaccine will completely leave the human body within the first 2 weeks after Covid vaccine injection? (Note: Multiple peer-reviewed papers show that the mRNA from the vaccine can persist in the human body and continue to produce the dangerous spike protein for months after injection.)
Are One Blood and the Red Cross putting Americans at risk by allowing both the lipid nanoparticles/mRNA in the vaccine AND the spike protein produced by the vaccine to “contaminate” our national blood supply?
Why isn’t the NIH, CDC, and FDA monitoring this issue?
You can watch the recent interview between Tom and Clayton Morris where they discuss this issue here.
From your wise & wonderful fellow Substack author & friend “we will just have to wait till the world changes “
God bless you sis & Tom Haviland for NEVER GIVING UP. In words from a hero of mine FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT ♥️🤍💙
Phenomenal work.