Jun 12Liked by Laura Kasner

I can only imagine how many stories we’d be hearing if everyone were talking. This carefully crafted plan of Satan’s is such that the world has been put in a situation where everyone feels silenced and frightened to speak out. Thank you to the brave few who are spreading the truth of this evil.

Those pictures are unbelievable, Laura.

I was talking to one of my friends about how people are so brainwashed that they aren’t even shocked at the young people who are dying anymore - it used to be that you’d have to sit down at such shocking news, but now people are suddenly accepting it as the norm?? As my former priest said, it’s as if a blanket of demonic deception has fallen over the entire earth. We are witnessing this with our very own eyes.

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Underwhelmed - it’s hard to “like” your comment. 😢. I wish there was an “acknowledged” choice.

This is why Ephesians 6:12 always comes to mind when I think of this very sad fact.

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Jun 12Liked by Laura Kasner

I’ve felt that way so many times myself about hitting “like” on posts and comments.

Amen to Ephesians 6:12.

Knowing who our true enemy is and the true nature of this battle, it would be hard to even get out of bed if not for the fact that we belong to the Most High God and live inside of His protection. But not only can we get out of bed, we can stand strong in full confidence knowing that the victory is already His, and we can fight fiercely for Him regardless of consequences because we know no harm comes to us unless He allows it. It’s such an incredible thing to know we belong to Him and that we are on the side of love and joy and truth.

I love Revelation 12:11:

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.

When we love not our lives even unto death, the powers on this earth and the god of this world have *zero* hold on us and we are free to stand for Jesus and to walk in the holy calling He’s placed on our lives.

(And it’s a privilege to be alongside of others who are doing that very thing.)

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Amen Underwhelmed. 🙏🙏🙏

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1 Thessalonians 5. the whole thing.

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I had not heard that quote before from Bible... Truthful indeed! They did not love their lives only the trappings of their lives...which they could not give up and thus they loved unto the death... and took the jabs which they KNEW on some level were wrong, and now, they cannot regret, can only live in silent denial and fear of what 'might' be coming for them... eg death. Which comes for us all, but in God's time and not accelerated by willful suicide of the jabs...

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Underwhelmed …. It’s part of the plan to desensitize all of us .

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I show the pictures to my husband. He just says ok and turns away. He had the JnJ only but our family has had the mRNA poison. One 6O yr old healthy neighbor now has a rare blood cancer. My good friend finds out the results of a PET scan this week. She has already been through autoimmune hepatitis after her second shot. Cancer all around. Blanket of demonic deception indeed. So spooky and sinister.

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Jun 12·edited Jun 23

Also Janet, would you like me to paste you some notes I made on remedies I learned from Dr. Bryan Ardis? He makes a huge case (indisputable in my opinon, with all the proof to back it up) of how there was/is snake venom in both covid and the shots. It's mind-blowing, and it helps makes complete sense of why there was the myriad of symptoms of covid and now the myriad of issues from the "vaccines." It also explains these fibrous clot-like structures.

There are things that will deactivate the effects of the snake venom (by releasing the venom which is attached to our cells) and can help reverse the physical issues. Let me know if you want them and if so, I'll paste my notes in another comment for you. (I watched Watch The Water 1 and 2, The Antidote, CoVenom, and also listened to a Podcast with Dr. Ardis and took extensive notes on it all.)

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I’m familiar with Dr Ardis but kind of dropped away. So much info out there. So much blood trouble around and snake venom affects the blood as I remember. Have you read Dr Cowan’s and others position that viruses don’t exist? They are compelling so I hold that in my thinking spaces so I can make connections and build the truth as more info comes out. More links can come from anywhere I’ve learned. I will watch the link you have below.

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Ok, here are all the recommendations from my notes on all the videos:


There are several parts to the many physical issues we have going on here - Covid long-hauler symptoms, issues from shedding, and vaccine injuries. All issues are caused by the snake venom, but the injuries from the vaccine are more involved and may take more to overcome.

Dr. Ardis tells us the most effective and important antidote is nicotine.

You can either chew the gum (from what I gather it doesn’t seem to matter whether you do the 2mg or 4mg) or you can do the patches.

In Dr. Ardis’s accounts, both his wife who had smell and taste loss for 2 years along with tinnitus, and the doctor who lost 100% hearing in one ear, got rid of all their issues with just the gum. He noted that people were seeing their symptoms disappear after just 3 days on the gum. (His wife chewed it for 3 days, 4 times a day and by the end of the third day had no more symptoms. The doctor had incredibly fast results in just 45 minutes.)

In the study of the people with the more intense long-hauler symptoms, they did:

• 7mg nicotine patches for 6 days, changing the patch out each morning

(Dr. Ardis said the principle behind it is that it releases venom off your cells, but then there will be venom floating around in your body. If you use too much nicotine then you'll release a lot of venom at once and might get nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and if that happens you can reduce the dosage. You can cut the patches and wear a smaller one the next day.)

A personal note from me on the gum….

I’ve been chewing the 4mg gum for over a month now just in case I had any venom left in me from when I had Covid, and also now as prevention going forward with all the shedding etc.

I learned you CANNOT chew that stuff like regular gum!! If you constantly chew and swallow like you do with regular gum, you get light-headed, nauseous and get an upset stomach. I got woozy almost right away and then got the hiccups, so I looked it up and found out the correct way to chew it:

Chew it up about 15-30 chews, then “park it” between your teeth and gums to let the nicotine soak in through your gums. Once it stops being tingly, chew it up a little more and then park it somewhere else. Keep doing that for as long as you chew it. I try and spit out after I initially chew it up, and then also in between as much as I can because I find I still get a little light-headed with it.

Dr. Ardis said the cleanest patches they’ve found are the Rugby brand.

I saw on Substack, one commenter (Therisa) gave this more natural way to get venom out of the body with nicotine through a tobacco foot soak, followed by flushing the venom out of the body with food grade hydrogen peroxide. She mentions that this is Dr. Ardis’s protocol; however I don’t know where he says this because I haven’t found it quite yet. (I asked the commenter but didn’t get an answer.) Here’s what she said:

“For you and anyone else on this thread. Nicotine is the first step. Personally speaking, I don’t trust the patches or gum. Both made by pharmaceutical companies. When it comes to the patches, what’s the carrier for the nicotine? I seriously doubt it’s DMSO, which would be a MUCH better carrier. But more than likely they use PEG. Which is bad for you. So, instead, go straight to the strongest form of nicotine, tobacco! Now understand, you do NOT have to smoke it!.. lol But instead brew some in distilled water and do foot soaks. The only tobacco I can recommend, because I know for a fact is does not have formaldehyde in it (which is what can cause cancer), is Largo pipe tobacco. It can be found online. Take a small handful, brew it in distilled water and soak your feet in it for 20 minutes or more.

Now for the second part of the treatment. Get some food grade hydrogen peroxide at a local health food store or online. If it’s only 3% put three to four drops in an 8oz glass of water and drink it while doing the foot soak. And then another glass after foot soak. The food grade hydrogen peroxide neutralizes the venom. Denatures it. If you don’t do that, then you have venom toxins floating around the body after the nicotine released it from the nicotine receptors throughout the body.

The third part. Removing the dead venoms from the body with either activated charcoal, apple pectin, bentonite clay, zeolite.. etc..

This is Dr. Ardis protocol. And I have used it myself as well as on two other (my cousin and a friend) people. Will be doing my third person (another friend) tomorrow.”

At the end of Watch The Water 1, it shows this on the screen…..

Compounds that protect against snake venom poisoning:








bentonite clay


budesonide (nebulized)

There are 4 substances noted by the company that sells snake venom with a warning that these substances take away the toxic effects of the venom (so therefore we know they work against it):

• glutathione

• Nacetylsystine (NAC),

• Vitamin C


Dr. Ardis talks about this and also gives a directive to come off magnesium for 3 months if you’ve been injured by the vax. Here’s my note on this (from The Antidote):

Dr. Ardis thought if there is snake venom phospodiesterase inside the Covid 19 shots like their research studies say there is, what destroys snake venom phospodiesterase? Dr. Ardis went online to see if he could buy snake venom phospodiesterase for research, and he found a company called Innovative Research, now bought by ThermoFisher Scientific, and they sell a little bottle of snake venom phospodiesterase for $50 bucks. It says to the buyer that this is derived from rattlesnake venom and only for research purposes. And it says that you cannot mix snake venom phospodiesterase with any of these 4 substances because it destroys it from being able to do its toxic payload stuff - glutathione, Nacetylsystine (NAC), Vitamin C, and it’s completely destroyed by EDTA. They tell you the antidotes and then said that snake venom phospodiesterase has an absolute requirement for magnesium in order to be activated, meaning the venom can't do any damage without magnesium. If you have been injured by the shots, you need to stop supplementing magnesium for 3 months, all magnesium. People are getting miraculous results with recoveries from heart issues - they come off magnesium, along with taking nicotine, EDTA, Vitamin C and NAC.

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Dr. Ardis said that if anyone has had the MRNA shots and is having any symptoms ever since, he absolutely recommends they consult an infusion center for glutathione injections and Vitamin C high dose injections, and let that clinic and those clinicians who are experts in that field, tell you based on your medical history/weight/size how often to do it - but if it actually is known to negate and inhibit the mechanism of action of that substance found in snake venom that we know is being used since 2009 as the source to do cleaving of your DNA, that's #1 what I would recommend to do. I would recommend everyone get on high dose Vitamin C orally; if you've been injured by the shots, please get it intravenously....and glutathione also. Jonathan Otto asks "with the nicotine and melatonin?” Dr. Ardis says yes, definitely try those - he says try the nicotine 2-3 days at most and see if you see improvement, and the melatonin he said he would just stay on.

At 1:03:40 of Covenom, there is a video clip of Prof. Rinaldo Bellomo talking about a critically ill patient they feared wouldn't make it and they administered extremely high doses of Vitamin C equivalent to 5,000 oranges! Prof. Clive May says the response of this patient was one of the most amazing things he's ever seen.

At the end of Covenom, there is this discussion:

Dr. Ardis says he wants to continue to propose it's going to be what you take care of internally - this is a massive eugenics program, a massive genocide program - they are using biological weapons that are being targeted and used and extracted and isolated and synthetically made venoms from shellfish toxins, snake venoms toxins, and that's how they're creating this entire pandemic. And they're using the same biological weapons inside the vaccines, which is why you're seeing such horrible, detrimental effects. And what we have heard consistently is Zinc load, Vitamin C load, Vitamin D, Glutathione, NAC - these are all going to be very protective internally against any deadly disease processes even of biological weapons.

On the screen it shows:


Vitamin C

Vitamin D3


N Acetylcysteine (NAC)






From the podcast from August 2023:

Dr. Ardis says if you're struggling with injuries from the vaccine or any long-hauler Covid symptoms, you should do the nicotine patches as in the study of the people with long-hauler Covid. 7mg nicotine patches for 6 days only.

At 2:19:04 in The Antidote, Dr. Ardis gives very specific help for women who have had miscarriages or are struggling with infertility, and also to those with blood clotting/elevated d-dimer tests.

Here’s what he says regarding women and fertility:

There is a massive agenda around the world to create infertility and miscarriages. Many doctors and hospitals have reported that many women have lost a baby after getting a Covid injection. He said that women need to go and get an L amino acid oxidase (LAAO) test and if that comes back positive, then you've been poisoned with snake venom. They have the research studies to prove that they have been using LAAO from snake venom to kill cells that maintain pregnancy (syncytium cells). If it comes back positive, there are 2 antidotes to it - one is EDTA which completely obliterates it, and zinc also is an inhibitor of LAAO. They've also published that the LAAO venom protein in a human is only allowed to be active to end a pregnancy if your PH remains between 5.5 and 7.5 - if you clean up your diet and make your body more alkaline and go between 7.5 and 8, the actual venom becomes inactivated. If you use an infrared sauna and get the degrees to go up to 131 degrees, that also kills and denatures the protein of LAAO. So infrared saunas and diet are massively beneficial, and then include EDTA and zinc.

And here is what he says about blood clotting and elevated d-dimers:

There have been a lot of reports around the world about blood clots in a high percentage of patients after the Covid vaccine. There is a blood test called an elevated d-dimer test. Most doctors don't run it, but the labs around the world can easily do it. If it comes back positive, it means your body is forming blood clots inside the body. The d-dimer is a reflection of how many particles of the broken down blood clots there are. On medscape.com it tells doctors if there is an elevated d-dimer to start looking for blood clots or if the patient is on a blood thinner they might be on too much of it. Medscape also tells doctors if there is an elevated d-dimer, then they need to test the patient for snake venom poisoning. If you have elevated d-dimers or if you have symptoms of blood clots and don't test positive that doesn't mean you don't have blood clots.....the DOD has created what they call a self-assembling nano-particle hydrogel that creates blood clots that aren't broken down by your own body (nor blood thinner medicine). If you have symptoms of blood clots and they see blood clots on a doppler, but you don't have an elevated d-dimer, that means you have 2 snake venoms inside of you - ecarin from the saw-scaled viper snake and textilinin from the eastern brown snake in India. This self-assembling nanoparticle hydrogel 2 snake venom-infused protein is a patented creation of the US DOD. You can have your ecarin levels tested by medical professionals, and also textilinin. Textilinin blocks waufarin, heparadin and coumadin from breaking down blood clots. Ecarin rapidly creates 8 times faster blood-clotting in the human body than God designed your body to create. Dr. Ardis says to ask your doctor to run the tests and if he won't, then go to another doctor, and if they won't help you it's actually even much easier than that because you can call LabCorp, Quest, Genova labs etc. and say you'd like to pay cash for a d-dimer test. If it's elevated results, the d-dimer will be in black bold letters and the d-dimer number/value will be there and that's all the test tells you. A medical professional will then try to put you on an anti-coagulant drug but Dr. Ardis does not recommend this. He said there are ways to break down blood clots. There is a substance called glycyrrhizin acid inside of licorice root that actually detroys all blood-clotting effects of all snake venoms. You don't need a drug! It's the most potent, powerful blood clot dissolving substance on earth. Natokinse at 7,000 furin units is another cure for blood clots. And one of the ultimate favorites - 2000 MG of NAC also completely obliterates blood clots. These are all natural substances.

This is from my video notes, about the effectiveness of NAC and how our government tried to take it off the market:

In the shots they state they use snake venom phospodiesterase. The people who manufacture snake venom and sell it to the researchers say you can't mix it with NAC because it destroys the venom's toxicity. In May of 2020, the FDA put out a statement they were going to make it illegal for supplement companies to sell NAC. That has been sold by supplement companies for over 75 years! So 5 or 6 months before the shots came out, the FDA is coming out saying it can't be sold anymore. Supplement companies were upset and filed papers to make the FDA stand down, and the FDA did stand down.

Why would they go after NAC? NAC is a published natural substance that breaks down and blocks blood clotting effects of all snake venoms. What did we see with Covid, long hauler covid and vaccine injuries - blood clotting. This is how nefarious it all is.

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I agree - the puzzle pieces fall into place as we learn more and more. I have heard about the no virus theory but have not looked into that. If you have any links or info, I'd like to see that!

Dr. Ardis thinks covid was snake venom put into DNA plasmids and spread through the air and water.

I will paste below my whole compilation of the recommendations from all the videos I watched. I summarized and put it all together, but a lot of it is word for word from the videos.

I had "covid" in 2021, so after I watched Dr. Ardis's stuff I chewed the nicotine gum for a while just in case I had any venom remaining in me. Dr. Ardis and his wife use nicotine every day as prevention. (She chews the gum and he uses the patches.) I want to get back to it as prevention too, but haven't done it for a while. (If you use the gum, don't swallow the liquid after you chew because it's supposed to soak in through your gums. If it gets to your stomach, it makes you nauseous and light-headed.)

I'll paste my notes for you in a minute. I wish you well Janet, and also your family, good friend, and neighbor.

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Snake venom does NOT create fibrous polymer white clots .Dr Chetty explained they contained tin like that used in PVC piping. BioHydorgel used in the mRNA LNPs uses tin. The detox remedies like nattokinase ONLY degrades biological amyloid proteins . These white clots have never been seen in human beings before. they are NOT the small clots they claim come from anti clotting therapies.

They are not the same clots that snaked venom clot meds are made from.




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Thank you for the links and info and I’m very interested in what you’re saying.

I come at this from a perspective of not having a medical nor science degree. I understand what you’re saying but would also say that even if the snake venom isn’t what’s causing the fibrous clots, there is huge evidence of the snake venom being present in both “covid” and the shots. The creators of the MRNA gene therapy, Drew Weissman and Katalin Kariko, literally put in their research papers that they use snake venom phosphodiesterase to cleave the RNA or DNA, to insert the MRNA in their gene therapy.

Here are a few links:




So if indeed people have been envenomated, they need to know the truth so they can do all they can to fight the physical effects of it. (I believe there is a far more diabolical effect of the MRNA changing God-given DNA and I don’t believe that can be reversed.)

The evidence of snake venom laid out by Dr. Ardis is undeniable in my opinion - I searched and found many links and videos to confirm what he was saying and it is clear that the Chinese and the French scientists saw from the beginning that covid was comprised of snake venom, and an Italian scientist named Carlo Brogna found 36 different venoms in covid patients.

I would be very curious to see whether the venoms ecarin and textilinin show up in diagnostic tests of the fibrous clots and I wish someone would do this and publish it. (one of those venoms creates clots and one stops your body from breaking down clots) And are we certain that the combination of venoms created in a lab couldn’t possibly produce something like we haven’t seen before from snake venoms? As Dr. Ardis says, those venoms would never be together in nature unless you were simultaneously bit by the two snakes who carry those venoms.

But like you are saying, maybe there is also something else added into the MRNA shots, like the biohydrogel, causing these never before seen type of clots. I find it intriguing that Dr. Chetty said they contain tin and that you’re saying the biohydrogel uses tin. (and in this case an antidote to tin would be much harder to come by as you suggest)

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Venom is common in Pharmaceuticals.

A friend who is a Clinical Pharmacist ......

"Clinical pharmacists practice in all health care settings and utilize in-depth knowledge of medications and disease states to manage medication therapy as part of a multiprofessional team. Clinical pharmacists are responsible and accountable for medication therapy and patient outcomes."

........explained to me just what these new weight loss injections are........

What animal does semaglutide come from?

"... venom from a lizard known as a Gila monster contains a hormone similar to human GLP-1 that shuts down its metabolism so it can live without food for long periods of time. That hormone was synthesized and then patented as semaglutide.Mar 28, 2024"

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Nicotine. 6 mg for 7 days in a patch form. I think that's one of his recommendations ... Nicotine work as/is anti venom... Nattokinase and Serapetide too...

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Nicotine blocks a covid receptor.

It does not block any clot formations, especially white polymer clots.

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I’m so sorry, Janet. It’s like we’re living inside of a science fiction movie, only it’s real.

I watched this video below with Maria Zee and Dr. Lee Merritt a while back and it’s very good. At 1:08:20, Dr. Merritt talks about an alternative therapy that really caught my ear. It sounds crazy at first, but I believe this could help a lot of people. And it’s free and zero time consuming.

I also think we should all keep this in our back pocket for when we’re denied medical care for not complying.


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I’m willing to listen to anything now as I know the amount of deception. Right now I basically doctor myself. My functional medicine doc is good but she is not up on true nutrition and still repeats some outdated canards. I’ve fallen for a few and trying to reverse the low carb keto carnivore misunderstandings of metabolism. I have some IVM and fenbendazole on hand for cancer. Interested in all sorts of remedies. Yes. This is some science fiction movie going on around us. I’m old. Never dreamed this world could get this so deceived.

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I know what you mean!! My mom (who had been a Catholic nun for 14 years) always told us that this day was coming, but I never thought I would be seeing it with my own eyes.

I'm at a point of huge distrust with our medical system. I see a naturopathic doctor and do some homeopathic remedies.

One of my friends recently told me how they put aborted baby cells in a lot of our food (through the Senomyx company), so now I barely trust anything processed or packaged. I look at almost everything with a huge question mark anymore. It is a sick world.

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I do not know where you live but i live in the largest retirement community in the nation. we have been B;lessed to have a Dr here who treats OVER 2000 jab injured patients. 94% of the populace here have been jabbed.

I have had Lupus for over forty years. I gave been to many GPs and Dermatologists and rheumatologists , I also had to have a hip replacement at 59 and was told I have an aggressive osteoarthritis despite recanting fevers to all of them accompanied bu a "Lupus like rash"......

No one really listened. The Rheumies and Dermies just wanted to put me on one of the newer

Biologics.........this Dr ran 39 blood tests with Quest Labs who took 15 vials of blood and when I saw the lab results, .they read LUPUS in RED. I am now on hydroxychloroquine which halts the destruction of joints and organs from the lupus. I wish i knew forty years ago ! You cannot imagine how I suffered all those years and it mat take a year for the hydroxy to build up enough in my body to end these joint pains. the majority of fatalities I read about Lupus is when it attacks the heart or the kidneys and there is a higher chance of lymphomas with this too. Hydroxychloroquine has been used since 1955 and does work against SLE.

This Dr is wonderful !


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So glad you have found help. There are good doctors but how do we find them. I give them a little test (cholesterol hypothesis) to see where they stand or how quick they push a drug. Even my great functional medicine doc is behind on some treatments or knowledge I am aware of. Plus it’s $400.00 a pop office visit because insurance doesn’t cover any of it. I have to find proper thyroid meds by ordering from Mexico because she won’t prescribe any. We have been blessed by good health but hubby is having some problems. 🙏🏻 that you gain even more good health. More are awake now so maybe things will change. Even Walmart is getting more options for unpolluted food—one of our first lines of defense for good health. Thanks for the link. 😀

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So true, Brandon is not your bro!! They are sick and evil, but in the end they are deceived and have no idea the true power of Him whom they are fighting against! Thanks be to God, we do know. :)

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For some, they will become desensitized, for others, just far more aware.

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ONLY FOR YOU and because I admire your passion and courage and tenacity so damned much would I actually look at these photos.

*tries not to vomit*

You're a force. XO

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Jenna - you NEVER cease to make me laugh. Love you girl.

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People have to make themselves look at these pictures.

I doubt there's one person in the world who looks at these photos and then says, "Those look safe and healthy. I'm glad they are in so many bodies."

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I used this post to frame a new column at my Substack: "Why won't anyone investigate the embalmers' clots?"


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These are even more hideous than ever. Great update. Someone is working hard on silencing the hospital whistleblowers.

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Bill - aren't "they" though!

Thank you so very much for cross[-posting this! It is sincerely appreciated!

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Happy to do it, Laura. If every Substack author would cross-post these articles (photos and videos), we might get somewhere.

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12Liked by Laura Kasner

If I were someone in the know on this, I would give journalist Bill Rice, Jr. the interview.

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Thanks, Transcriber B - I'd take the scoop and run with it!

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12Liked by Laura Kasner

I emailed dozens of Australian embalmers and their peak society about the clots a while ago and got no response. They are government workers and will never talk about it. Our entire society is captured and only about 1% remains uninjected with this sh*t. https://www.health.gov.au/sites/default/files/2024-05/covid-19-vaccine-rollout-update-10-may-2024.pdf

Australia is going down I'm afraid. The US has a better chance.

Laura, just some humble formatting tips for your consideration - try not to use such huge bold font on your articles - it is difficult to read on both computer and mobile devices. Also you can use the more minimalist setting on inserting your previous articles which looks much better and increases the flow of the the article - so your inserted articles look like a 'bar' rather than a giant insertion. Also you can resize your photos so they are smaller - it is actually hard to see/appreciate them when they are so huge.

I want to make sure that everyone in the world can see and read your amazing work, which will look more professional and make people take notice.

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ExcessDeathsAU- my heart goes out to you and your countrymen.

Thank you for these formatting tips! I will work on revising this post for better viewing. I didn’t see an option for size font - only “headings”, because I too thought the font was too large. I’m hopeful I can figure it out. I sincerely appreciate your loving critique 🥰

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12Liked by Laura Kasner

Laura, I was so stunned and moved by your testimony - you are engaging in very holy work. I can say with the utmost certainty: it is so rare that someone who has been vaccinated themselves would raise the alarm with so much bravery in the way that you have done in your line of work. No one has done this in Australia and I KNOW they are seeing these evil clots.

Your work needs to be seen by millions - and tens of millions! Here is my email address - vicparkpetition@protonmail.com

If you have any questions about how to format your substack shoot me an email. Even if it is something like "help! my photos are crazy and all over the place!" Tell me what you want to do specifically and I will help you. Please do not be shy.

Also, anyone who promotes 'my' Bishop Mar Mari is an automatic friend. He is much better by the way but has likely lost his eye. Pray for his attacker.

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Jun 12Liked by Laura Kasner

Its a horror show. Serious prayer and action required to break through the lies to expose this to the entire world and governments of the world.

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Yes ArnoldF 🙏🙏🙏

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12Liked by Laura Kasner

It's great that the work you're doing is finally getting some serious exposure, Laura. People NEED to know this!

Part of my job involves fitting people with compression garments. I must say business has increased lately. I ask the folks coming in what is going on, if it's not obvious from the prescription, and we're seeing a lot of blood clot problems in YOUNGER folks. It's really quite scary. Often the customer will tell me what the doctor says - that they are seeing a lot of deep vein thrombosis and blood clots. Go figure.

Speaking of cath, I would hope people would go to a very experienced person should they need this procedure done. Last week, my coworker's future mother in law went in for a heart cath, started bleeding, they put her on a vent and she died. This was in the span of an hour. I found out this week that the reason for the vent was one of those idiots punctured her lung. Her funeral is today. The family is going to sue and I don't blame them.

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FourWinds - I was speaking with an acquaintance on Sunday. She said her friend who is a radiologist was saying they are seeing clots EVERYWHERE in the body. I asked this person to ask if they will come forward publicly. I’m not hopeful though.

Sadly with the state of healthcare (sickcare) today, we will see more and more malpractice. 😢

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The "conspiracy of silence" is ... massive.

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Jun 13Liked by Laura Kasner

I believe it - both that clots are being found everywhere and that this person will likely choose silence. Both are very upsetting!

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12Liked by Laura Kasner

Excellent and important post, Laura. Towards encouraging those who might come forward:

I would note that while many brave people have spoken out, not everyone is able to— there is much to withstand when one does that, and while sometimes the reluctance is a lack of backbone, sometimes there are in fact compellingly good reasons to remain anonymous. It depends on the person, depends on the context, depends on a lot of things. I'm not so quick to judge, and I myself have my own good reasons to use a pseudonym in transcribing censored videos.

I would suggest a possible model for those who would be willing to speak out, but anonymously, and that is the video of the Australian health care workers testifying to jab injuries on record. Their voices were altered and faces were obscured in the video, however, that they were licensed health care workers was testified on camera by Sonya Young. From that transcript:


SONYA YOUNG: I am a commissioner of declarations and have been so for 14 years. I certified the individuals' identification documents as well as their employment and registration documents. I can confirm that I certified the identification documents for participants prior to their de-identifying themselves for the videos. I can also confirm that I was present for each individual's interview. If the individuals participating today said they were a nurse or a paramedic, I confirmed by checking off their AHPRA registration papers or their hospital identification cards.


Here's the video:

11 Australian Nurses Blow the Whistle on Covid Vaccine Side Effects

themightyninja, December 2, 2021


And here is the complete transcript:


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Jun 12·edited Jun 12Liked by Laura Kasner

A further thought. That video of the Australian healthcare workers was heavily censored, so heavily, that although I was actively looking for such things I didn't find it for two years. What's different now, in mid-2024, is that we have many more people writing on Substack and elsewhere, and far more poltical / legal / activist organization, and also, more communication with elected officials. Anyone coming forward about the white clots in living people would likely not be seen in the mainstream media, however, their testimony and any documentation would be in fact seen very widely elsewhere. It would make an important difference.

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Thank you TB for the reminder that there are so many reasons why people remain silent. I can only imagine the inner turmoil it must cause. It would be a very painful way to live.

Thank you for the link. Your comments are sincerely appreciated.

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12Liked by Laura Kasner

Laura, I hope that perhaps you might consider the Australian video testimony model, I mean, having someone certify on camera that the healthcare workers are legit, but then allowing the individual healthcare workers to speak de-identified? Because I would guess that possibly many more healthcare workers would be willing to come forward and speak on record if they could do so without identifying themselves.

Of course it would be so much better if someone were willing to come forward, identifying themselves clearly.

I just finished today transcribing an excerpt from an interview by Liz Gunn with actor Barry Duffield, who describes the gaslighting he was getting about his cardiac and neurological jab injuries, and then how everything changed for him when one nurse told him, "Barry, I see hundreds of people coming through these doors that have exactly the same as you. So you're not crazy." On camera, recounting that, he actually started to cry. It was that powerful.

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TB - if you have a link, I would like to see that interview.

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Thanks for asking: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/158447.html

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Thank you TB. That was heartbreaking to watch.

These are the stories that keep me in this fight against Goliath.

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The last four years also prove how much the world misses - and needs - an organization like Wikileaks. The Powers that Be had to "send a message" to Assange - to make it much less likely any media entrepreneur might do the exact same thing.

WikiLeaks - left alone - would have exposed many Covid scandals by now.

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Jun 12Liked by Laura Kasner

Please keep fighting. It is truly insane that this is being suppressed!

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12Liked by Laura Kasner

(1) Regarding the thing removed from the lung, was that in a blood vessel or in the airway? If it was in the airway then that might be a clue to understanding these things. In other words, maybe they can form in blood vessels and also in airways, and that would be useful to know.

(2) Consider the whistle blower who publicized the fact that Texas Children Hospital was performing gender changing surgeries even though it claimed otherwise. The Justice Department is going after that whistle blower for HIPAA violations even though he anonymized what he shared. Probably the same legal danger could apply to any medical person in a cath lab who might provide pictures of these clots. (I may have my facts scrambled a little bit on this case. Maybe it wasn't HIPAA specifically but some other law.)

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Bob - that’s a very good question. I wish I knew. I was once able to look at his blog. He changed it so that you now have to ask for permission to view it.

Yes. I watched that doc on The Highwire. I donated to his givesendgo. God bless him.

The powers that shouldn’t be have made it almost impossible for anyone to speak out. 😡

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Jun 12Liked by Laura Kasner

Thank you for this excellent work you are doing Laura.

The question Bob asked is a good one. If these specimens were removed from both lungs of one individual and they are alleged to be from the pulmonary arteries, the person would undoubtedly be dead. Such bilateral obstructions would present as a massive pulmonary embolus which would be fatal unless the person could be quickly placed on cardiopulmonary bypass and have them extracted. The obstructions in question appear too extensive for that to be the case. My suspicion is that these were extracted post-mortem from the pulmonary arteries, based upon the anatomical appearance. I doubt very much whether they were of endobronchial origin (not compatible with life). If they were from within the bronchi, it would be medically unprecedented.

My point is that the provenance of these lung obstructions (I don't refer to them as clots because they are not composed of coagulated red blood cells) should be further investigated so as to definitively ascertain their origin. As you rightly point out, once the fresh liquid and clotted blood is rinsed away, what remains, is not blood, but a kind of rubbery substance that resembles calamari.

FYI, most massive pulmonary emboli (an example of which is a large so-called "saddle embolus" of the main pulmonary artery) are fatal before the person gets to the ER and a CT surgeon could see them.

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I wonder if any lawyers would also sound out how to safely come forward w/o the possibility of being sued or the department of NO JUSTICE coming after them… 🤔🤔🤔

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Jun 12Liked by Laura Kasner

JAB INJURIES: GROSS CALAMARI BLOOD CLOTS/AUTISM TSUNAMI/SADS/TURBO CANCER/BIZARRE TERMINAL ILLNESSES: More tragic victims of the ruling parasite genocidal enslavement agenda, sacrificed on the altar of psychopathic greed and hatred of humanity.

Can't say this often enough! SCREW the germaphobic hypochondria fear hysteria!

How I wish to see a world driven by compassion and a thirst for knowledge to appreciate the gifts of The Creator! Your fighting to make such a world possible is greatly appreciated!

The Military/Industrial Complex and the Biowarfare/industrial Complex, WEF agenda and the evils assaulting humanity are from one and the same source - it is the 99% against the diabolical GREED of the 0.01% who should not be in charge of anything!

Proudly ANTI-VAXX! Reiterating for the sake of newbies and to support this post.

Ban all vaccine jabs! There has never been a 'safe and effective' vaccine since Edward Jenner's fraud over 200 years ago as per 'Dissolving Illusions' by Suzanne Humphries and 'Turtles All the Way Down' by Anonymous. Health can never come from a needle or pills, but from healthy eating, healthy exercise and healthy living! https://virustruth.net

There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.

How to fight back against this NO CASH TOTAL SLAVERY!


A vast majority of so-called leaders and Public 'Serpents' around the world have been bribed, blackmailed/coerced into serving the interests of their technocratic New World Ordure parasite masters and not We the People. Insidious CONTROLLED OPPOSITION is everywhere too.

GREED is behind every evil assailing us in the world!

The demonic despots of Davos at it again! They are behind everything bad! At it for decades and cronies like The Rothschilds and the Black Nobility and The Khazarian Mafia have been plotting planetary domination for centuries! ALL BECAUSE OF AVARICE!

We the People must try harder to live by The Golden Rule, doing so would solve most problems!

THEY can't get rid of the 'useless eaters' fast enough! Mistakes were not made, it was always malice aforethought.


Migrant/Entrant Invasion/Infrastructure Attacks - all part of the destructive plot to achieve total slavery!

Apoplectic livid rage hardly describes the intensity of emotions I have had and am having over what these malignant globalists are perpetrating!

There is no noxious crime that the evildoers desiring to lord it over us won't commit to maintain their stranglehold on power. A groundswell critical mass resistance to their murderous enslavement plans is needed urgently!

Creative performing arts, fine arts and literary arts are the best part of being human and the thing the globalist predator technocrat megalomaniac total slavery control freaks most want to destroy.

Too many 'sheeple' are brainwashed to blindly obey authority figures on the media or in daily life in corrupt system ruled by control freak psychopaths who use propaganda lies to enslave their subjects and they are dumbed down to be obedient by 'education' institutions. Fortunately I was raised to question everything. This transcends party lines. We need a system that punishes psychopaths and rewards compassion and sharing, we need a system that actually follows The Constitution in reality.


There is a fate worse than death - I would rather die than be a robotized slave of technocratic overlords! This is my hill to die on!

I have a landline and a wired laptop and a wired monitor screen, all the tech anyone should ever want or need. I never had and refuse to ever have one of those infernal mobile devices that are designed to enslave you.

My loathing of AI and all things NANO and digital knows no bounds!

Kudos to Laura Kasner's heroic efforts and success in the struggle. We the People must always be aware of the existential threats lurking behind this fight!

How I stick my thumb in the eyes of the grotesque billionaire bastards pushing their enslavement agenda and how I embrace being fully human.

Fighting the globalist predator technocrat psychopath megalomaniac TOTAL SLAVERY AGENDA one performance at a time!

Amazing Amy: Eccentric Yoga Entertainer!

As an entertainer, I have been devastated and practically destroyed by the closure of all performance venues and then when they reopened, because MY BODY, MY CHOICE - being made a total untermenschen pariah outcast in NAZI NIGHTMARE LAWLESS 'SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS' JAB CROW APARTHEID/DISCRIMINATION/SEGREGATION HELL NYC WHERE THE MAD/DRUNK WITH POWER TYRANT POLS DOUBLE DOWN ON THEIR ILLEGAL MANDATES. I am trapped here with zero financial resources to leave or do anything else about this 'wish I were dead' endless misery life has become. The tragic irony is that my SPREAD THE YOGA LOVE performances are all about health, miraculously overcoming age (68) and injury to achieve feats of flexibility few can attain at any age. So BIG PHARMA who wants to addict every person on the planet to their toxic products hate people like me who prove that we do not need them if we eat healthy organic food and exercise daily!


I try and live and embody the creative performing artistic world and life I so fervently want existence to be about.

They can stick their f*cking damned NANO, Digital IDs, AI, jabs and chips up their asses where the sun don't shine!

All manner of lies and propaganda spew forth from the upper echelons in governments worldwide who are completely intertwined with the global criminal ruling class that wants to commit the worst atrocities imaginable and suffer no consequences. And their corruption slithers down the chain of command creating petty tyrants everywhere.


It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back!

We must never lose sight of the larger picture of the vile malignance we are fighting against.

Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.

There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!


MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!






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Fibrin clots are caused by Endotoxin in jabs, often found adhering to catheters.


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I’m very grateful for you Laura Kasner for telling the truth and yes people want to see !!! Pictures tell a thousand words. . I hope and pray you get millions upon millions of views , spread the word everyone. 🙏

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I know you will certainly help in that effort. Love you Bro.

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😉and u as well.

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12Liked by Laura Kasner

"You can resolve to live your life with integrity. Let your credo be this: Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me.”

This qoute sums up countless reasons why people are NOT speaking up, and by default, are being complicit within themselves, through their "integrity" choice of silence.

This qoute has the power to immediately make someone uncomfortable. Why? Because they then, if they are brave and courageous enough, can choose to look, not only at the external complicity of not speaking up about what they're seeing, but more difficulty, the internal incongruity between their value system compared with how they define themselves as living in integrity. To not explore this incongruity, to not witness this within themselves, is an internal complicity of silence, most likely fueled by fear and rationalizing.

Rationalization is a powerful mechanism available, at the ready 24/7, to turn away from many uncomfortable truths. There are many different ways to rationalize - all with the end goal of making the uncomfortable avoidable, the uncomfortable acceptable, thus enabling one to skirt their moral compass and still be able to live in integrity.

Haven't we witnessed enough rationalization over the last few years? Where has that gotten us? It's time to let all the lies come into the world vs rationalizing them away. The choice is this: live in true integrity within your soul and God, or live disharmoniously within and by yourself.

Thank you Laura, Tom, Richard and everyone who is speaking up, bringing light to the lies, for living in their integrity. What a gift!

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Beautifully said SeeingTruth

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Jun 12Liked by Laura Kasner

Bomb work. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

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Laura makes a great point with this paragraph:

"re the physicians working in a cath lab telling their patients (or showing them) what they have removed from the bodies? Have they told them they never saw such things before the Covid shots rolled out?"

I wrote a story about Dr. McMillans hospital whistleblower and made the same point. This whistleblower said his team is removing "three to 10" of these white fibrous clots in living patients every single week ... at just one American hospital!

One does wonder if these patients are being made aware these clots did NOT exist before the "vaccines." Are the doctors telling patients this? If they are not, why aren't they? If they are telling patients this, why aren't these patients telling the world this?

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Someone I know had 3 clots removed with amputation involved (jabbed). However I’m sure they don’t know about the calamari clots and the hospital would never inform the patient that’s what they were.

A question for the medical practitioners out there: do ordinary jelly blood clots lead to amputations? I assume that knowledge of what things were like pre COVID jab would be necessary.

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Ernie - could you please take our survey?


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Very good questions, Bill.

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“We are each unique and we have become aware of different emerging facts at our own pace. But, once awakened to truths, we share similar emotions: disbelief; skepticism; and anger. Followed by a thirst to understand and a resolve to push back and hold the perpetrators accountable.”

Amen to that!

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