Oct 8·edited Oct 8Liked by Laura Kasner

Like you, I was not an anti-vaxxer before covid, but I will admit I was already leaning in the direction of becoming skeptical of vaccines. Then when they told us how the mRNA covid "vaccines" were going to work, by tricking my own cells into making trillions of toxic foreign proteins, my initial reaction was "These people have lost their minds!" and "Can you spell autoimmune disease?" My thinking was that autoimmune disease would be a likely outcome, but I had no idea how far reaching the "side effects" would be. So as a result of my thinking that using my own cells to create trillions of toxic foreign proteins was a really really bad idea, I did not take any of the covid jabs. I was almost certain that I had had covid in February, 2020, so that became my excuse for not taking the jabs.

By March of 2021, only 3 months after the rollout, VAERS data was off the charts. Also a sister of a close friend of mine had died in her sleep after getting her 2nd Moderna jab, and a colleague of my wife had a horrible reaction to the 2nd shot--she shook constantly, couldn't walk without a walker, etc. so I knew by then that these things were bad news.

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pimaCanyon - I had never heard of VAERS. When trying to share the truth with a nurse friend of mine, I asked her about VAERS. She looked clueless and then I told her what the acronym stood for. Then she acted like she knew all about it. She didn't like that a lay person like me was trying to give her information, so needless to say we no longer speak. From what I've heard, she keeps getting the shots.

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Laura Kasner some physicians avoid me like the plague as well as friends, including some of my family . We all tried and they made choices , not much else to do but pray for them .

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😢 Amen Bro.

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YMMV, but I save my prayers for those on the side of freedom, human dignity, and making the world a better place. Not those who choose the side of the greedy, power-loving, authoritarian destroyers. Why wish them well? If they win, the miserable cycle is perpetuated. I'm pretty sure the evil is unstoppable, it always has been. But I don't have to like it, or them.

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SteelJ, I agree "Evil" may or may not be unstoppable. However, we know it won't be stopped unless enough smart and brave people try to stop it. I sometimes wonder if these times are God's way of heralding an over-due revival. If nothing else, far more people know who the real villains (the real evil-doers) are. That's a positive development. Evil might have messed up and shown its face to too many people whose eyes are still open.

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I'm all in for fighting and appreciate everybody who is doing that. Even those late to the game, although I think anybody who was that easily bamboozled is unreliable. No doubt the COVID scam awakened many, which is great. But, I see the late-comers as people who "want to believe" the leaders are on their side. They are not intrinsically reality-based, or they wouldn't have needed such extreme shock therapy to wake up. They tend to think that the solution is changing the narrative, not distrust of authority and limiting its power. RFK Jr and Malhotra for example, think the problem is that it's not THEIR ideas that are being crammed down our throats. Enemy of my enemy is my friend, but still know who they are.

Your work on the clots and early spread has been great!

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Oct 8·edited Oct 8Liked by Laura Kasner

that's sad to hear that she no longer speaks to you. I can't remember whether I'd heard of VAERS before covid, but I think I was following people on twitter who knew about it. Twitter was where I got all the censored info about covid. My account was suspended for posting the truth about covid. Started another account, soon it was suspended. I would have given up, but Elon bought it, so I'm on twitter with a 3rd account. But I believe that account had been shadow banned prior to Elon taking over and I suspect that the restriction on my account has not been lifted. I remember when I first heard about VAERS that at that time most doctors and nurses didn't even know about, and those who did hated it because it took 30 to 45 minutes to enter one adverse reaction. So the people who knew about VAERS said that it had an under reporting factor of at least 100, that is for every 1 event that's on VAERS, there are 100 that happened but did not get reported.

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If you factor in the underreporting factor, the numbers are staggering.

Yet the CDC says there is no safety signal. 😡

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yes, in the Spring of 2021 when the VAERS numbers started looking very bad, I had hope that they would shut down the shots. Over the next several months, I continued to hope but also continued to be astonished that they were NOT stopping the jabs. Now, more than 3 years later, it's beyond anything I could have imagined. At first I wanted to believe they had just been sloppy in their testing and the FDA was too quick to grant EUA. But it soon became obvious that they KNEW the shots were killing and maiming people, and they just didn't care. They have deliberately killed and maimed millions. And that's the reason so many people still believe the shots are okay, that it's still a good thing to take the boosters: Because these people cannot, will not, believe that the people in authority--the FDA, CDC, DC politicians, employees of Pfizer and Moderna--are DELIBERATELY harming and killing them. It's too big a thing for people to get their head around, so they don't.

Spring of 2021, my brother and his wife tried to talk me into getting the jabs. At one point, he said "I trust the FDA", to which I responded, "Well, I don't". That was his whole reason for taking the jabs: He trusted the "authorities". They would never do anything to harm us!

And now they are using "long covid" as the diagnosis for vax damage. My brother's son, my nephew, has had peripheral neuropathy from the jabs for more than 2 years. But his doctors are telling him it's long covid. So they still trust the FDA and the doctors.

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Basically, too many people trust the wrong experts and authorities. This wouldn't be the case if Big Media performed its most important duty as a true watchdog of those who have obtained absolute power.

Once such people acquire such power (and KNOW their crimes will never be exposed), they become absolutely corrupted ... and act accordingly.

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Regarding the media, there are only a few media conglomerates these days. Pharma runs ads on them and provides 30 to 70 percent of their advertising revenues. Those ads are not to convince you and me to ask our doctors about this medication or that medication. Those ads to buy the media, to ensure that that media outlet will not run a story that makes Pharma look bad. I don't know what the fix is, but thank God for substack and X.

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I don't understand the trust the authorities idea. A little acquaintance with history and real life ought to have taught everyone to never do that.

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Oct 9·edited Oct 9Liked by Laura Kasner

If you read my in-depth story on Army doctor whistleblower Lt. Col. Theresa Long, you'll learn she also did a deep dive into VAERS and the military's medical database (DMED). From this self-study, she knew Covid was not a legitimate mortality risk to young, healthy soldiers and airmen. Of course, officials discount and debunk their own "vaccine injury" warning systems - which is another "tell."

UPDATE: Here's a link to my in-depth feature on Lt. Col. Long, a genuine hero and role model.


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That was an excellent article Bill.

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Your nurse friend is an example of why, as a medical freedom advocate, I'm against outlawing the shots. Everybody worth keeping around won't go near them. How is it a problem when people like that nurse keep up with their boosters?

I'm surprised you succumbed to the obvious fearmongering and got jabbed yourself. My wife and I are seniors, whom they particularly tried to scare, and our only concern was for those forced to get jabbed - getting jabbed ourselves was out of the question. We possess no special brilliance, it was friggin' obvious to millions. I don't see how anyone remotely observant could have trusted the medical system and government policy-makers pre-COVID, or ever. Misplaced trust in authority figures and institutions, may well be mankind's most fatal flaw. It's impossible to have that trust, and critical thinking skills in the same brain. Bit of a rant, but jeez, when the obtuseness of most people destroys Western civilization, it kinda distresses me.

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there is a cult like reverence, almost a religious fervor, regarding vaccines. "Vaccines are the greatest achievement of modern medicine, they've saved millions of lives." That, of course, is one of the biggest lies to have ever had the entire population of the "developed" countries believe, but it's so ingrained in us almost from birth, that the only way you're going to shake off that lie is to investigate what has really happened with vaccines. They are all poison!

One of the most successful aspects of the covid psyop was telling people the jabs were vaccines. They are not. We have never had a vaccine that tricked our own cells into producing trillions of foreign proteins. But because of the cult like reverence for vaccines and the sleight of hand that had people believe the covid jabs were vaccines AND the fear, don't forget the fear!, that if you get covid, you're gonna die. You put all that together and it's not surprising that initially people were eager to line up for their magic elixer.

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Hard to break free of cults, You also see it in voting. People will vote for candidates that promise they hate you but vote for them anyway, because they belong to the cult

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"Also a sister of a close friend of mine had died in her sleep after getting her 2nd Moderna jab, and a colleague of my wife had a horrible reaction to the 2nd shot--she shook constantly, couldn't walk without a walker, etc."

Anaphylactic shock. I highly recommend Sasha Latypova's excelent post on it dated 3 September. The manufaturers of the clot shot knew EXACTLY what they were doing.

https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/the-second-shot-or-what-do-vaccinators and sewer rats have in common?

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Sure the pharma guys knew exactly what they were doing. They're on the tech end of what looks to be a Cosmic Snuff program.

How is it we're still amazed that the authorities are doing nothing about it? Hw much more evidence is needed? We're running in circles with that thought.

Ha....'evidence' doesn't even work with the normies in one's life. I was hung up on when I said to someone, "There's data now",

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You're talking my language with your disclosure that you think you had Covid in February 2020. Per my "early spread" research, I've come to believe that many MILLIONS of world citizens had already been infected by this virus by the time the lockdowns were imposed. (I also think I - and my two children - probably had "early" Covid in January 2020. That's one reason I never got the jab and didn't let my children get it). But by that time, I'd already reached the conclusion that if the "experts" say something is true, the opposite must be true.

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At the time, I didn't think it was covid because I had no respiratory symptoms. I had extreme body aches, fever, and the worst headache I'd ever had. On the second day of feeling like I was dying, I actually had the thought, "If this goes on for another couple of days, I could die." Fortunately, the fever, headache, and body aches all stopped after another day. But I had lingering joint pain in my spine that I noticed only when I tried to run or jog, and that went on for another 3 weeks or so.

What convinced that it was covid was later that year in November my nephew (who had been double jabbed) tested positive for covid and he ended up with the same symptoms I'd had, the most noticeable being the worst headache he'd ever had. He also had no respiratory symptoms.

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I was very sick for about a week. While many - or even most - of my symptoms were the same as the flu, a couple of symptoms seemed different to me. For example, my coughing fits were much more violent and my cough lingered for weeks. My shortness of breath and fatigue were more conspicuous. I also didn't have all the congestion I usually have when I have the flu.

Four months later, I got an antibody test (which was negative for Covid), but I still think I probably had it. I note that I've never had Covid since and neither have my two children.

Would it really be that surprising if we had Covid a mere couple of weeks before "official" Covid? And millions of people think they might have had "early Covid." Alas, these "anecdotes" don't matter.

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I believe there's evidence covid was happening in late 2019

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Laura's article confirms or supports the veracity of the operative maxim of our New Abnormal times: Namely, officials will NEVER investigate that which they do not want to "confirm."

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They looted, killed and psychologically tortured a lot of people to wake us up. But that was not their intent. Their intent was too loot, harm and kill if necessary but not to wake us up

Perhaps they won on their primary goals but they failed on an important one. We've been awakened. Hopefully enough have woken up to make them sweat the very real possibility of consequences. So far the mass looters and mass murderers think they are untouchable but in the same way they treat our laws and our constitution it could be argued

EUA protection is only a piece of paper

They must not be allowed to treat laws like our constitution and anti-bioweapon laws like "mere pieces of paper without teeth" and expect that the victims of EUA will forever treat that abomination as a sacred document.

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reading these posts makes me both sad and angry. There should be something other than like for a reaction.

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I hear you. I get furious at times reading of the pain and suffering and death that these monsters have caused. What has happened to so many people that they can just ignore the suffering their actions are causing? that is incredibly sad and infuriating!

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Oct 8·edited Oct 8Liked by Laura Kasner

Dear Laura, and also Tom— This is horrifying, and yet such magnificent work on your part. Your creativity and persistence in service of humanity I find very moving. My profound appreciation to you both, and to all who participated in the survey.

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Thank you TB. God bless you.

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You, too, dear Laura.

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I echo the sentiments of my friend, Transcriber B. It seems to me Tom and Laura have basically concluded the groups that could and should help them with their surveys ... will NOT do this. Instead of just accepting this surreal non-response, they keep coming up with work-arounds to try to find and report the salient data anyway. Targeting people/patients who have had clotting issues is an example of one of these ingenious work-arounds.

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That’s all Tom, Bill. I just create the surveys in the SurveyMonkey software. Tom calls me his “Gal Friday”. I think you are too young to have heard that term. 😆

Tom’s determination is inspiring.

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The EMPLOYED physicians know IMO . I believe there is a fear component of losing their livelihoods , due to loan repayments , bills and mortgages . They have violated their medical oaths and their pillars of medical ethics . It’s all so shameful. Many self employed physicians have quit or retired or fired for speaking out . I believe when they meet their maker , judgement will be placed on them . No different than in my field ( ob/ gyn ) , explaining abortion and trans surgery to Our Lord . Thank you Laura and Tom for your continued tenacity, honesty and genuine concern for the truth . God bless you both . 🙏

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Exodus 17:12-14.

When Moses arms grew tired, Aaron and Hur Brought a stone for him to sit on while they stood beside him and held his arms holding them steady until the sun went down In this way Joshua totally defeated the Amalekites

Then the Lord said to Moses, write an account of this victory so that it will be remembered. Tell Joshua that I will completely destroy the Amalekites.

Sister remember this…

When I think on this battle between good & evil I think about this account & really love two things about it.

Our Heavenly Father provides those around us to help in such practical ways …. A place to sit & the help of friends to hold our arms up to fight the battle.

The other one I love is the Lord tells us the ending


Since you are back to singing in your church choir here are two stanzas to a hymn that is so appropriate



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Happy tears as I read this Sissy. You are most certainly one who has helped me hold up my arms when they feel like 1,000 ton weights.

Amen. Such comforting words.

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What a blessing Laura Kasner to have a family member , to comfort each other . ( A twin !! Bonus blessing 🤗🥰)

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Truly, Bro. 🥰

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Beautiful thank u Leslie Murphree🙌🏼🩷

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Oct 8Liked by Laura Kasner

I know a couple of people involved in the healthcare system.

One is a nurse, of sorts and the other is a doctor.

Both remain absolutely convinced of the miracle that is the covid vaccine, while the doctor considers Francis collins and his ilk to be the saviours of humanity.

It is frightening just how such "educated" (indoctrinated) people can be so utterly blind to reality.

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The comments in the report are so, so heartbreaking:

"I am the correspondent. I don’t know how many clots I have had. At least 3-4 by Dr’s. I have

quit going to the Dr. for help. No one wants to hear me."

Whoever you are friend - I will hear you, and I believe you.

Thank you Laura.

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Main take-away: Medical doctors and organizations (who would KNOW that many more "grotesque" white, fibrous clots are being extracted from LIVING patients) will NOT participate in this survey.

That's all the public really needs to know. Why wouldn't they participate and answers these questions honestly? The answer is obvious.

Tom and Laura's relentless pursuit of the truth, which they are trying to trumpet to the world, is inspiring. All they're trying to do is save lives and prevent severe medical issues in fellow citizens. This is a heroic and noble project - not a task that should be completely dismissed.

Countless doctors and healthcare professionals need to look hard at themselves in the mirror. A few need to summon some courage and tell the truth to the world.

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Bill, I found that during the Emergency in Australia the unions and professional organisations were under direct control of the military. They were given talking points from the top and stuck to a script. This is 'whole-of-government.'

Now that the Emergency is over and they are 'allowed' to talk, the won't because they are, quite literally, in a sunk cost fallacy. They will continue on this path until they themselves are dead.

It's like the Iraq War. Over a million people killed for that and covid is much, much worse.

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"It’s a shame that the medical community, doctors, and other Cath Lab workers are failing to speak out about these prevalent and deadly “white fibrous clots".”

They're failing to speak out because they KNOW they threw the Hypocratic Oath out the window on 3/11/20. They are now just as guilty as (including, but not limited to) everyone involved in producing the vaxxine, and everyone who attended Johns Hopkins Event 201.

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Oct 9Liked by Laura Kasner

Laura, thanks again for posting the results of this important survey. It's really a shame that we could only get one doctor in the world to take our "2024 Cath Lab Worker Blood Clot Survey." It's a "black stain" on the medical community to hide such important information. But THE PEOPLE stepped up in a big way at the patient end by providing us with over 1,600 responses so far, and loads of important information!

This just shows that if we expect to win this war of medical freedom, then we are going to have to do it "from the bottom up." The so-called "experts" are cowards with ZERO integrity.

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Oct 9Liked by Laura Kasner

I have been an anti-vaxxer from the get go based on the personal studies I did in the spring of 2020. I applaud y'all for the excellent and hard work you've done on this particular subject. While my research in 2020 showed nothing of this sort of result, I am not the least bit surprised that something this or worse has been discovered. Thank you again for keeping all of this on the historical record.

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Oct 9Liked by Laura Kasner

I saw both interviews with Campbell and Morris, Tom was great! I’m glad there was a large response. Keep up the great work Laura and team!

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Tom is a masterful communicator. He has a rare talent for explaining complex medical and science topics in ways that the layman can grasp. He also always highlights the bottom-line or "why this subject is important."

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I'm going to throw out a wild theory but is it really? They want people to believe it is just the jabs now. I am absolutely convinced that the level of EMF's we are being pummelled with is doing a great deal of harm. It also causes massive blood coagulation. People need to opt out of the smart phone, any and all wifi and bluetooth. Get it out of your home. Hard wire. It is not hard to do. Get a meter.

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Oct 8·edited Oct 9Author

Gayle - Tom Haviland and I have only concentrated on what the embalmers have been finding - which is undeniable. Photos and videos don't lie and are a great tool in awakening those that still believe the shots don't cause harm. However; I feel certain the issues of EMF's bears much investigation.

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Glad to hear you feel that way. It is more at the centre of what they are doing then I think people realise.

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My friend asked me the following question about the white fibrous clots. Does anyone know if they are seen in a scope?

"Does anyone know if those fibrin's in injected people are seen in a scope? My mom had a stress test and the cardiologist said she has a blockage he thinks but isn't sure where or what...🤷‍♀️ so he wants to do a scope next Tuesday."

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Oct 10·edited Oct 10Author

Alice - I asked Tom Haviland to answer your question. Here is his answer:

“The "white fibrous clots," if large enough, should be detectable by a radiologist. However, sometimes it can get tricky to spot them when the clot perfectly takes on the shape of the particular vein or artery in question and any tributaries coming off the main vein or artery. However, angiograms should at least be able to detect where the clot is causing a blockage in blood flow.”

Prayers for your friend’s mother. 🙏🙏🙏

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About the anti-vaxxer thing

For many it's a progression

I'd suggest that for many formerly trusting not particularly activist moderate middle Americans the evolution may have gone a little like this

COVID and the whole operation around it was and is a bioweapons and psyop attack against humanity. I'll not take the clot shot because it's a bioweapon. You've become a budding anti-vaxxer even if you did not realize it at the time. Many were "COVID needle rape clot shots suck but all the other stuff is good .. isn't it?"

This prompts you to look into ALL THE OTHER needle rape injections that you and your kids have been coerced to take since as long as you can remember and you realize. ALL THAT IS A SCAM ALSO.

So now you're not just anti-covid clot shots you're a full on anti-vaxxer

In your spare anxious moments you think hard about the epic lies and epic betrayals embodied in the whole COVID war against humanity and it dawns on you ... How can I bring myself to believe MY OWN DAM COUNTRY tried to kill and loot as many of us as possible? It's a hurdle. But the evidence is compelling

They've been planning mass murder WITH OUT TAXES for DECADES all while you thought "if I do my part of the social contract by paying my taxes and being a good citizen the government will do ITS part to maintain the social contract. And certainly they'd NEVER try to murder us!".

Welp. Another illusion broken

You realize there IS no social contract and your extorted taxes are being used to harm, loot and murder you if expedient

You end up where you never thought you'd be


Then finally it all becomes clear

THE GOVERNMENT IS NOT YOUR FRIEND. In fact, you can't be faulted for thinking it is your enemy

Because it tried and is continuing to try to loot and kill you

Those who loot and try to kill you are not your friend

When they saw fit to bio weapon attack the vast middle America that was trying to mind their dam business, pay their taxes and be a good citizen they may have unleashed more than they bargained. Because even lab rats can figure out that those who try to kill you are your enemy

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