Since a vast majority of the planet has been jabbed, you would think EVERYONE would want to see and share this. Thank you for your advocacy and your voice!

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One would think Jenna. But tragically they don’t. Or just can’t. It’s too terrifying.

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You would THINK most everyone would be DEAD if true!

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Sep 7·edited Sep 7Liked by Laura Kasner

I consider it true that these clots are forming in some people because I've seen more than evidence to convince me of that. (Here's a listing of transcripts from video circa 2022-2023, including of Laura Kasner and Tom Haviland, and also of interviews with embalmers and funeral directors in the US, UK, New Zealand and Canada:

https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/138644.html )

However, these fibrinaloid (white) clots obviously are not forming in most people who took the jabs because we can see them still out there walking & talking, running, swimming, playing tennis, and so on-- which would not be possible with such obstructions as the ones shown, that the embalmers have pulled out of cadavers. It could happen to these otherwise apparently healthy jabbed people that a fibrinaloid clot could form— that's the scary part. But it could also end up never happening to most people who took the jabs-- and I am optimistic that that will prove to be the case.

However, it would probably save many people's lives if there were more known about these fibrinaloid clots, how they form, and what remedies might be taken to dissolve them, or prevent them from forming in the first place. I consider what Laura is reporting here to be lifesaving urgent information.

Personally, I have a broader view: anyone can get taken down by anything at any time. We are alive from breath to breath by the strength of our own will to live and the grace of the Divine.

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Amen, TB.

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And...maybe theyhave been busy perfecting it, for the desired outcome. As the V&B Club members line up for the latest must have...it could just be that one which does them in. You just never know. I always wonder about predestination in this whole scheme of things.

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Not true Gary Anderson , the body is wonderfully made by God . We all are made differently with different capacities ( just look at the cell danger response with our mitochondria) . Next ,Psalm 139: 14 … read it slowly. Thank you Tom and Laura 🙏

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"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."

God bless you Bro.

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We cannot live in fear vaxxed or unvaxxed/ shedding / no shedding …that’s what started this psyops fear porn .. that’s what THEY want. The cross .. we can never forget. 🙏😘

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Amen Bro

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FAITH over fear - in GOD we Trust for our Lord lives in the TRUTH ...

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I appreciate that, as we are set to fly across the country on Wednesday. After the new vax rollout. But ultimately, it is all about trusting our Creator. I have to be stronger than I ever thought I would ever need to be to face this.

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Sep 7Liked by Laura Kasner

Thank you, Laura, for posting this article and the paper. Hopefully, scientists from around the world will visit "Clotastrophe," see this important paper, and discuss the science of "how" these white fibrous clots are forming. This should ultimately lead to strategies to mitigate these clots and/or keep them from forming in the first place.

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Praying for that Tom. 🙏🙏🙏

I know you are too.

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I'm praying for that as well. But some things, such as salt and water, if kept separate, pose no problems, but if dissolved in the water, the salt is quite difficult to remove. Maybe that with the technology present in this day and age, if enough skilled persons would be employed to face the task, that a bio-chemical addition would subdue and even reverse the clotting formations.

Wouldn't that be great? A bit grandiose, but GREAT none the less!

We'll keep up the prayers, and it might be that the Good Lord will hear.


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Of course, the BEST way to avoid these clots is NOT TO TAKE THE COVID JABS IN THE FIRST PLACE! I know that I'm "preaching to the choir" here, but it has to be said. Keep telling those that are asleep until they get it through their thick skulls.

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In a Billy Graham crusade even some people in the choir come forward!

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Hi Tom,

This is the right direction for sure. Mitigation of formation is the only answer at present. We have tried several methods and only found 4 so far that seem to have any effect..

hydrogen water, green laser, ozone and cds. Perhaps there is a magic combination of these, plus the right protease inhibitors.

Look up Ronald Norris on stack for methodologies to test for it in the living.

Out of 250 people we have only seen 2 spin blood without it in the last 4 months, jabbed or not makes no difference it seems.

Regards, Matt.

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Sep 7Liked by Laura Kasner

Matt, thanks for the tip on Ronald Norris. I'll check it out. Laura and I know that the "shedding" thing is real, but I am not sure to what extent, so this will be interesting to me. Thanks. -Tom

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Thank you, Tom Haviland, for your excellent and dedicated work.

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Thank you, Transcriber B, for your faithful support of Laura's and my work! You have been with us from the very beginning, and we REALLY appreciate you!

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Yes, of course, that's right. But just about all of those victims of the needle had a preconceived notion, at least, that the med industry was trustworthy, and a large percentage (most likely) were "child-like" dependent upon it.

A lady I know very well once told me that she's hesitant to "MOVE OUT OF THAT DIRTY CITY" because she felt safe living very near to UCDMC there in Sacramento, Ca. I've stressed every point I know to her, but it falls on deaf ears. 'So very hard to break through a mind-set!


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Thanks for fighting the good fight Laura. The first step to solving any problem is spreading awareness about it. Evil flourishes in the darkness. Thank you sincerely for shining such a bright light into that gloom. Sunshine is the best disinfectant.

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🌞👍🏼.. True Tritorch . Goes back to all those cellular mechanisms 🙌🏼

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Good morning my amazing sister. This is what I’m reading this morning ( actually my husband Phil sent it to me from the other room).

When God’s people rely on God‘s power in obedience to His commands, they find an uncommon perseverance in the face of determined opposition, giving in is no longer an option, pressing on becomes the battle cry victory is theirs

I read this & instantly knew this is your word from The Lord.

This is for you precious ones.


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Dear sissy - each time I read this comment, I am moved to tears. A profound statement of truth about the power of our Lord.

Thank you Phil. I know that God put that prose in front of your eyes this morning so that all here who read these comments could see.

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Sep 7Liked by Laura Kasner

Agree 100%!!!

When you're called, you answer.

Laura has!

Over and over and over again!


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I love it! And I just sent it to Hubs on the other side of the room. Amazing how words can give us strength through such dark times. Thank you.♥

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Thank you, Laura, this post is so important. I'll do what I can to share it.

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That would be much appreciated, TB

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Fantastic, fantastic work. I have been waiting for a comprehensive report like this to come out. Well done to the team. It is quite amazing how 'people power' has been solving these issues, from the scientific, to the matter of resistance, to untangling the tyranny structure. Never underestimate the motivation of committed citizens working togther.

An artist here in Australia recently remarked: https://substack.com/@thumbnailgreen/note/c-67876646

"The Black Swan event came and hardly anyone noticed. The Covid Lie brought so many different types of people into contact with each other that ordinarily would not share data, thoughts, information, strategies, feelings and support. The Black Swan event was not locking the world down. It was the cross-pollination of an emergent group to form a new botanical.

The ‘Rambo-type’ - happy to be left alone was transformed into a raging information gathering sharing ecosystem that is now a hive mind of mutual benefits and co-operation.

Nature wins."

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Thank you for this great comment, ExcessDeathsAU.

However, I prefer to give the glory to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and not to man.

See my sister's comment to this stack: https://open.substack.com/pub/laurakasner/p/how-the-white-clots-are-formed?r=ul1zh&utm_campaign=comment-list-share-cta&utm_medium=web&comments=true&commentId=68116243

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Sep 7Liked by Laura Kasner

Laura I have been Blessed to recognize much of the Divine Intervention during my lifetime.

I like this interview ,especially the last comment. "The vax injured deserve our compassion."


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Thank you for the link. It’s truly encouraging to see Rogan discussing this. Tom Haviland has reached out to him numerous times, but Rogan does not seem interested in the subject of the white clots.

Recently a friend travelled to his comedy club in Austin. I gave her a vial of the clots to see if she could get someone on his staff to give them to him, but they refused. So she left them in an envelope with his name on it in her seat. Praying they made their way to him.

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Awesome Laura Kasner . 🙌🏼

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Sep 7·edited Sep 7Liked by Laura Kasner

It expect Rogan will cover it in 2025. But time will tell.

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I pray for that Transcriber B🙌🏼🌻🌻🌻🌻💥

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Sep 7·edited Sep 7Liked by Laura Kasner

I encourage everyone to read the downloadable paper detailing this work.

When reading "Hirschman Clots" many times in the paper, I propose this new "iatrorgenic disease" to be officially named after Richard Hirschman in recognition of all the work he's done to bring this forward. How does it work/what needs to happen to officially be named a disease?

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Good question, SeeingTruth!

Knowing Richard as I do, he would not be comfortable with that. He is truly a humble, Bible believing man.

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Sep 7Liked by Laura Kasner

Our wonderful Physician .....with our great State Surgeon General


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M Henry - As you can see from my reply to your comment that I assumed it was Dr. Villa. God bless this woman.

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Sep 13Liked by Laura Kasner

Laura, this is a test comment to see if Substack is now allowing me to post again.

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Sep 13Liked by Laura Kasner

Yes. It looks like it is working now!

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I just cannot imagine the mindset of those who do not know that God is the ultimate answer. The fact that men put so much trust in mankind to save them from their fear shows the total lack of connection to who we are. Who we really are. I feel the pressure and love what your sister said. "When God’s people rely on God‘s power in obedience to His commands, they find an uncommon perseverance in the face of determined opposition. Giving in is no longer an option. Pressing on becomes the battle cry. Victory is theirs." That, I think, is a divinely inspired quote. I feel so weary in my soul, especially lately. But I also feel the divine direction to keep pressing in and pressing on. A friend was in Walgreens yesterday and there were 6 people, masked, in line for the latest covid shot. When she told them she was shot-free, she said they all moved away from her like she was diseased. The evil is out there and people have become it's willing servants. Evidence is not unseen anymore, as proven by your photos. God bless you and your voice.

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Thank you for this comment SadieJay. 🥰

Ephesians 6:11 is the only way to make sense of what we are experiencing.

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Regarding your sister's comment, "Pressing On" was one of Dylan's better attempts at black gospel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wfm-wTqXHqQ&ab_channel=BobDylanVEVO I've been thinking about it in terms of my own writing (parts 2 and 3 the essay you liked, Laura, are now up), but kind of wondering if I should link its main message of spiritual "ambition" for one's own soul's progress, to my specific political/intellectual task I've taken on of trying to think through the implications of the Suppression of widespread covid-vax-harms story. Great song anyhow.

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Carl Eric - What a great song! Fascinating that it's Bob Dylan. One of my older brothers was a huge fan of Dylan's. Sadly we are estranged (for almost 3 years) due to the fact that he (as well as our other brother) have bought into all the lies. They both refused to read anything my sister and I sent them. I have no idea how many shots they received.

This brother considers himself a Buddhist (whatever that is) so I've often wondered what he thought of Dylan becoming a believer in Christ.

As far as linking it's main message of spiritual "ambition" - I say why not. The more souls we can possibly bring to Christ the more people will be able to cope with what's to come - because the truth is flowing out of the floodgates.

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Thank-you for sharing. Everyone needs to u derstand the damage of these inoculations.

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Sep 7·edited Sep 7Liked by Laura Kasner

Excellent! 👏👏👏👏

What we've been waiting for!

Persistence pays off! Never give up!

Hoping to see all involved in NEW interviews with FLCCC, VSRF, The Highwire, Jimmy Dore, Dr Bean, Dr Drew, Dr Campbell, Russell Brand, Naomi Wolff, Fox News, and more, including coverage from Senator Ron Johnson, React19, Jessica Rose, Dr Nass, CHD, etc etc etc.

And....what about at the Rescue the Republic event in DC on Sept 29? You know I'm always going to plant seeds and dream big! 💜


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She said the Drs told her it was from the covid shots she took.

I met her in a store here that was having a going out of business sale. Two other sales ladies were behind the desk near her when we started talking. Their arms were folded and they backed up with frightened looks on their faces mainly because I am a retired RN and was confirming what she was saying.

However, she did tell me the name of her Physician here and my husband and i changed our PCP and went to her BECAUSE she treats 4000 vax injured patients. We live in the largest retirement community in the world and 94% of them have been vaxxed.

I went to this Dr because i suspected that I have Lupus and for forty years i have been telling Rheumatologists, Dermatologists and GPs that I often get fevers that end with a "Lupus Like rash" .

This Physician ran around thirty blood tests and Quest Diagnostics took fifteen vials of blood then reported three of the tests were positive for Lupus !!!

I suffered with migraines for 28 years, had a hip replacement due to avascular necrosis , chest pains........ALL FROM UN DIAGNOSED LUPUS. all they threw at me was narcotics and then they tried to get me to take Enbrel or Humira !

I am on the gold standard for Lupus used since 1956 in order to stave off organ damage for the rest of my life now.


May God take care of Fauci the LIAR !

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M Henry - I'm so very sorry for what you have suffered. I would say you meeting that woman was divine intervention!

We may not see justice done with Fauci, but one day, he will stand face-to-face with God where he will certainly be judged.

Was the doctor Marivic Villa?

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Sep 7·edited Sep 7Liked by Laura Kasner

Yes and she is beautiful both inside and out.

Prior to seeing her I went to another Dr here. He listened to me about the shots nodding his head which was hung low looking at his lap. He said I should buy a hot wax machine for my swollen hands and wrists. She listened to me and knew immediately what was wrong and gave me several shots right away for the excruciating pain and swelling and Ordered the tests for positive confirmation.

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Some doctors are true healers. Some clearly are not.

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The fibrin an onsulible protein in the blood that naturally cause blood to clot if you cut yourself. The metabolic process is out of control after the jab. Faucet won't turn off so to speak.

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