Jul 30Liked by Laura Kasner

My heart breaks for those who were coerced or even forced to get these shots back in 2021. Especially the children. The thought of little kids having one of these things growing inside of them? Makes me want to put my fist through a wall. Yah...call me a "toxic masculine" but just be glad my 'toxicity level' stopped at 10 instead of 11.

...for a human's sake. ...No longer a wall.

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My heart breaks too, Martin

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Jul 30Liked by Laura Kasner

I am not in the medical field and don't really want to know about it. But those pictures and videos are gross. 😵‍💫 If those clots came out of me or any of my relatives, I would demand an explanation. WTF!?

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Jul 30·edited Jul 30Liked by Laura Kasner

It's hard to get an explanation of any of the vaccine harms because the doctors are all "baffled." I'm so tired of reading about people dying due to a "medical emergency." So tired of friends having rare, aggressive cancers; of realizing afterward that some of my friends undoubtedly died due to the shots they took. I want justice!

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I am too.

And I do too, Anne 😡

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Jul 30Liked by Laura Kasner

yep ...the silence of the German people during the rise of Hitler, permitted the atrocity he committed...how is that going to pass the final Judgment?...we ALL have to render a accounting....IMO, silence makes you a accomplice...there will be NO "I was ordered to do this or that", because God created us all with a conscience....silencing your conscience is YOUR choice!...pity!

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Jul 30·edited Jul 30Liked by Laura Kasner

I updated my post on Fibrin Amyloid Clots on 19 July 2024 to include the Protein Analysis published by Richard, sent to him by one of his scientist friends.


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Not yet.

I do wish they would make shorter videos. Will skim through looking for facts, thanks.

See also


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Please let me know if you see the list of references mentioned in the video anywhere, so I can see if they have any to the definitive and extensive publications Prof. Pretorius, the world auhority on Fibrin Clots.

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Jul 30Liked by Laura Kasner

DOCTORSEGALLA on Rumble, another chemist, has 3 excellent videos entitled The Pandora's Vaccine I, 2, 3. More damning evidence, not about clots, per se, but toxic nature of LNPs, which Pfizer point out to EMA yet authorised by them!

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It makes perfect mechanical sense that the same substance effects the outer (and inner) heart, as it does the veins and arteries wherein it can be found. I suppose analyzing the substance as it has been finally done, is the first step in figuring out the pathway for it. Once that pathway is nailed down, it can then move on to its origin aka: creators/developers in the suspected labs.

But what do I know?

Just sayin'


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Quite right Ray. I have looked at Pericarditis.


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Yes, Doctor.

I've checked out that other page where the heart is shown up close. I would almost assume that if a heart like the one pictured there, would be carefully shaved, so that as much of the substance (thickness wise) could be saved, while avoiding cutting into the muscle, that it would show a close resemblance to that same substance (rubbery clots) in the vascular system. I mean, to afterward cut into the removed piece so as to make it similar in diameter to a med sized "clot." Chemical diagnosis might positively confirm it, but a quick stretching experiment would clinch it for me.

God bless you and yours, Doc,


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Best of health to you and yours Ray. Just call me Geoff.

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Same to you and yours, my friend.


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Jul 30·edited Jul 30Liked by Laura Kasner

I think we all know why Laura's radiologist friend has ghosted her - the 'ole classic movie line certainly resonates here:

"You can't handle the truth!" complete with screaming at the top of the lungs.

Kudos to all the courageous and brave ones willing to face this horror show.

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My concern at this point (about three years from when clotting began to be noticed) is this: It has taken THIS long to investigate and diagnose the composition of the rubbery clots, even with all the technical ability to do so. Finally, there is this attempt to uncover HOW they are formed and why. Meantime the beat goes on; more injectioning, censoring, gaslighting, propagandizing.

Once the former questions have been resolved, the begged question is brought to the front: Who can be held accountable and to what degree for their involvement/complicity. Was there a conspiracy between manufacturing entities engaged by all (that) have included problematic ingredients.

Directing attention to the OJ trial with his "dream team" proves that with enough money, time can be purchased and punishment averted. Is this the same course the C-19 expose will adopt and assume?

O.J.'s money hardly compares with the rape-job that was performed by the complicit med. companies. They can and will hire the best of the best to defend their positions and keep their spoil. Of course, the Justice Dept and all its tributaries, are subjected to extreme temptation in the form of the USD, and that's not even to mention persuasive black-mail tactics.

This, naturally, pervades nearly every institution. It's criminal, and very worthy of desperation and tears. A few among us are finally realizing that there is ONLY one Justice Bank, and that bank belongs to Christ. If we toss it aside, we cannot complain about the injustices of society. Besides, what will "complaining" achieve?

Just some ramblings,


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"It has taken THIS long to investigate and diagnose the composition of the rubbery clots, even with all the technical ability to do so."

Ditto 23 years as far as 9/11 goes. The psychopaths on the top rung of the ladder are still pushing the same conspiracy theory regarding 9/11. Don't hold your breath waiting for them to solve anything.

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Thanks for your supporting comment! Much appreciated.

Videos, if they have not been "tweaked" (changed in any way) are one of the best sources of evidence, in my opinion. I recall watching one of those telling clips within a video showing the twin towers and how they were demolished. In specific, which I had not put to its level of importance years ago, was a part of the video which showed one of the towers as it first began to fall into itself, along with the communication tower there built onto its roof. The upper part of the building fell into the lower part, which was slightly obscured, but the communication tower on its roof, was clearly visible. As the building came down, the comm. tower suddenly began to simply disintegrate! It was unreal. It just turned to dust and became part of the dust cloud. No optical illusion there what so ever. It was plain, but it happened fast, and with all the commotion and unbelievable horror, the thing was overlooked. But someone took notice, and using a slowed-down version of the vid, one could clearly witness the steel tower turning to dust and virtually disintegrating!

Now if that can be depended upon to have occurred, then there is weapon technology that we can only barely imagine out there, and probably more these days.

Mountains of evidence point away from the narrative, regardless of how extremely unbelievable they might at the time been. The vehicles close by were strangely effected. Just as with the fires in Hawaii on Maui. Some sort of microwave energy device or weapon was most likely being put to use, and likely as a "test." Nothing is mentioned about it really. But where there is smoke, there is fire, and although we individuals have but a tiny voice to contribute to the war levied upon us, collectively we can make a difference.

Education regarding these things is just the beginning.

As everyone here knows full well, if they've read my comments, that I am a Christian "fundamentalist." I try and bring a bit of light and hope to offset the darkness and despair of those who are aware and disgusted to the point of desperation. If God's Word is indeed true and "cannot lie" then within its holy pages readers can secure peace, happiness, joy, and hope. Even eternal life, the Gift of God, is within reach of the believer! But this is a war of souls, commanded and directed by Satan. And everyone knows that wars are inherently dependent upon "intelligence" or information. Likewise, counter-intelligence, infiltrating and spying, distracting the enemy, and a host of techniques, all of which have been honed to a point through the ages, are employed.

God's Government is free of all of that. It uses no such tactics, but rather enlists love, sacrifice, kindness, patience, and truth to draw the hearts of mankind to Him. It seems unlikely, but God's Govt finally prevails and He shall be totally exonerated in the hearts and minds of His entire cosmic creation. This is the foundation for the explanation to the question of "why" God has allowed evil to prevail to its present extent. It's been an evil journey that mankind has taken, and since the Flood, a new lease on life has been given to man, when the limit of God's endurance was topped. And now, here we are again, mocking, and doing exactly that which has been done in the past, that prompted God to eliminate evil on the earth.

But this time, the LAST time around, God, in His Power, will not only eliminate the evil which evil men do, but will eliminate its source, that being Satan and his fallen angel gang.

Just some info for the curious,


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No, the best evidence isn't videos. The best evidence is irrefutable information. Take Marsh & McLennon. The employees had made their employer aware of major discrepancies in the book keeping. They were told to bring EVERYTHING THEY HAD OF EVIDENCE to work on Tuesday morning, September 11. The bosses, for some "unknown" reason, changed the venue of the meeting at the last minute without informing their employees. The floors occupied by Marsh & McLennon was where one of the planes hit.

When you have hundreds of cutter charges go off within a one minute time frame, a lot of heat is generated. This is how the pyroclastic clouds are made. Concrete becomes fine dust, and cars on the street near by catch fire. The rivers of metal below ground in the sub basements took weeks to cool down.

Then you have things like GHWBush and his NWO speech in 1991. It wasn't just 1991. It was 9/11/1991. Ten years to the day prior to what we're talking about. Earlier that day some 33 years ago he had purchased securities that would mature after ten years. In short, just like Lucky Larry Silverstein, he wanted to make a profit in the process. All of it with absolutely no financial oversight in the following days.

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I suppose you're right. But that one video I mention is quite "irrefutable." IMO.

So, you're a "believer" too! That's great. The super high temp of the molten steel in the basement needing many weeks to cool is just one of the hundreds of evidences that plague the narrative.

At dinner, while at my sister's I parroted about 10 or so evidences that I could remember learning of. Neither she nor her husband and the two other guests would bring themselves to acknowledge what was so obvious. So, delivering the "facts" does not guarantee persuasion. As a mechanic, I find that impossible to swallow, but there is no other choice but to do so. It chokes me up, though!

Yours in Christ,


ps, thanks for your comment! I truly appreciate it. Are there still vids out there about the twin towers (and bldg 7) being demolished? I'd like to revisit.

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There are hundreds if not thousands. I don't use YT any more, so here is my prefered site: https://rumble.com/search/all?q=9%2F11%20videos

I used to sail as an electro technical officer (ETO), and I also cannot deal in anything but facts. As soon as I find out someone is pedling fear porn or any other type of non-factual info I walk away. Karen Kingston is just one of many.

We had a friend over for dinner not too long ago, and out of the blue he says "You know, nine of my childhood friends are dead now. Five of them even were in the same class in grade school." I was itching to ask when the first one, and when the last one died, but didn't. Who'da thunk, right?

An aquaintance of mine was born in 1935, and he died at the age of 80. Last year his wife died, and in her obit their three children were listed with crosses in front of their names. All three were younger than me. Again, who'da thunk?

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Thanks again for your comment and lead. Now I have LOTS more to absorb on many subjects.

Sorry about your "friend" whose head is in the sand. I think we all can point to someone we know or even family members who are in that condition. Both my sisters and their families attend that school willingly. Nothing really can be done about it. We hold the unenviable position of quietly watching and waiting for their downfall. It's terrible.

It's a strange time we do live in! But if any are prone to suggest that these tragic things have escalated through time, and not seen in the past, I would disagree. Many times, conditions caused by wars and plagues caused tremendous hardship and death. It's just my opinion, but I think that the threshold of people's discomfort tolerance has lessened, which supports this issue. We are spoiled, in a sense.

Sometimes I daydream about what America COULD be, had she been faithful, upholding her creeds and the established documents of constitutional design. She was a "Christian" nation at one time, but now...now she is following in the path of France, rejecting and mocking her Maker, Provider, and Protector. It will not be a long time until God's gracious patience is all but run out. The prophet makes the prophetic statement that when ordinances are passed, which abrogate the Commandments (any or all) of God, then the time will have come for Him to "act." Things will get VERY ugly VERY quickly, causing the people to "decide" as to which side they will join.

Things rarely unfold as one pictures them to, but the pieces are nearly in place, with the "Christian Right" clamoring for power through the vote, and the "Man of sin" (the head of the church of Rome) is waiting in the shadows, ready to suggest that the world must return to righteous living, and obey the Commandments. But it is not God's Commandments, but theirs, the falsely constructed ones, intent on making a mockery of the ones in stone, written by God Himself. The Fourth Commandment will the contested one, and will be the focus of the issue.



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They don't want to investigate it because its ALIEN LIFEFORMS anybody who does gets dissapeared....Q except for me of course.... Zippy Dee Doo Daa!!!

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Jul 30Liked by Laura Kasner

Those fibrous clots look like serpents...oh wait...genocidal bioweapon serpent injections..I get it.

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I have a girlfriend that is completely awake. I knew when she used the word psyop we were going to be great friends. I was reminded once again we are not fighting against flesh & blood. We are fighting against the principalities of this world. This morning I read my girlfriend’s devotional on FB.

God is clear about His relentless opposition to evil. If we continue to reject Him the storm cloud of God’s wrath remains.

Whether they believe in Jesus Christ or not HE WILL HAVE THE LAST SAY. They WILL be judged

You are a warrior.. I’m so proud of you & your relentless pursuit of blowing the lid off the horrific lies they continue to hide behind.


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Amen Sissy.

Indeed 🙏🙏🙏

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I have had zero luck getting any Australian cath lab workers to speak out. I am sorry. I am trying. I started two years ago and have had zero responses.

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ExcessDeathsAU- your efforts are sincerely appreciated.

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Their Mind Control Technology is a LOT MORE ADVANCE than you can imagine. 80 percent of humans are in the Sentient World Simulation... or as you would call the MATRIX, you are not talking to humans you are talking to AI.......#AgentMidnightRider

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Thank you Laura Kasner! Keep those pictures and videos coming . Sadly it brings the seriousness of this psyops front and center. Also , Tritorch has brought truth , honesty and wisdom to the freedom movement. He has had a website before substack. I also have the rumble video … was excellent, thank you!! Blessings always . https://rumble.com/v58sxv8-breaking-bombshell-report-greg-harrison-presentation-part-2-on-how-white-cl.html

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Thanks for posting part 2 of the polymer chemist’s conclusions. I screenshotted his summary, but it looks like I can’t share it here.

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Jul 30Liked by Laura Kasner

These photos and the interview with Campbell make me so sad. But, Laura, keep posting about it. There are potential ways to prevent this. We can't solve a problem if it is not recognized.

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The ways to prevent further grossest inhumanity crimes are; 1) Don't take take the word of someone just because they wear a white coat; or a politically aligned rosette. 2) Question anything experimental before putting it in your body and question sanity before experimenting on a lowest risk child. 3) Realize that the likes of Bill Gates Fauci Dazak etc have ulterior motives beyond money. 4) Protocols including Turmeric Bromelain Vitamin D Magnesium citrate etc are said to ameliorate damage from the pathogenic spike protein. 5) Don't trust me; search for yourselves!

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Aug 14Liked by Laura Kasner

Can’t help but wonder every time I hear of a tragic untimely death or heartbreaking health catastrophe… was it the kill shot that did this?

Keep fighting the good fight my Friend!

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The silence from those in healthcare is indeed deafening.

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They are all MK-ULTRAED all of them, ....Q-

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Earlier today I read about this football player who is out "indefinitely" due to blood clots. He's only 25.


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I just can’t put a “like” on your comment Anne.

How many more will it take???!!!!😢

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The world wide list of top ranking athletes who are out indefinately, permanently or are outright dead is a long one. They number in the thousands.

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Before I go deep diving, does anyone care to share on a protocol to get rid of the little “spikes” from hell? FLCCC protocol possibly? Articles anyone? 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽❤️🤍💙

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GBA - I will be publishing a stack in the near future with some information.

In the meantime, this might be helpful:


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Thank you, Ms. Laura… I looked into detoxification 1-2 years ago and I didn’t know if anything had changed over time. I had a young lady ask me about detox a couple of days ago… 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽💖

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Electrostasis here on substack👍

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