In October of 2023, Tom Haviland and I had the opportunity to present the results of our Worldwide Embalmer Blood Clot Survey to a group of patriots in our home state of Ohio.
If you’d like more information on the backstory of this survey:
I attempted to find a local embalmer willing to tell their story publicly. I knew Richard Hirschman would have been more than willing to present along with Tom and I, however Richard lives in Alabama.
If you’d like to read Richard’s story:
Finding a local embalmer willing to testify publicly was an exercise in futility. I did however, find just one that was willing, but only if they remained anonymous. I completely understood that the risk of losing their livelihood was far too great for them to speak out publicly.
I was grateful that they gave me the following statement which I read aloud during our presentation:
Let me start by saying I am an Ohio State Board certified and licensed Embalmer and have been for a majority of my adult life. In 2020, we were as hands-on and involved in the Covid-19 pandemic as any profession could have been. From going onto the Covid floors at hospitals to entering the Covid wings at nursing homes, masking up, gowning from head to toe, shoe covers, hair covers, gloves, we got to see the worst of the worst. We would then bring these deceased Covid patients back into our care, where we would begin the embalming process by working in their mouths, their eyes, and most importantly, their blood.
Let me first briefly explain how embalming works. We first “set the features”, which involves getting their faces to look how they should look for viewing, and we do this by closing their eyes, closing the mouth, and positioning the head and hands in a way that they will be in the casket. We then make small incisions at specific access points where we can find their arteries and veins and bring them forward to a position that we can work with them.
At this point, we begin injecting a formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde fluid mix into the arteries, and use hemostats to open up the veins and let blood exit the body. At times, especially when a body has been dead for 12 plus hours before embalming, we use the hemostats to grasp blood clots inside the veins and remove them as to not deter proper blood flow. We want an equivalent amount of blood leaving the body as we have formaldehyde entering the body, that way a body does not “swell up” or look different than how a family remembers them.
Now back to Covid patients. We found that patients who died who were actively suffering with Covid-19 embalmed very poorly. Their blood was thicker, and there were quite a lot of “jelly-like” blood clots in them. Jelly-like blood clots are normal in patients that passed away more than 6 hours prior to the embalming, as the blood will begin to coagulate when it’s not moving through the body. A jelly-like blood clot is like what you get when dealing with a bloody nose at home. However, these Covid patients had a lot of these jelly-like blood clots even when we were embalming them within an hour or 2 of death. On a side note, we also embalmed a lot of bodies that we were told were Covid deaths, but they embalmed fine, and we would typically find out from the family later that they were dealing with other significant health issues that lead to their deaths. These also counted as Covid deaths, but that’s a story for another day and time. But just know that we embalmers can typically tell the reasons for why someone has passed away.
Getting into spring of 2021, I started seeing significant changes in the blood supply of decedents. In March of 2021, I pulled my first white fibrous structure out of a body that I was embalming. It was about 4 inches long, it bifurcated inside the body (meaning that it split in 2 and was shaped like a wishbone), and was firm, yet pliable, similar to calamari or cartilage. We see weird things in the embalming room from time to time, but this really jumped out at me. It was shaped like it had taken the form of the vein, and was so thick that there was no doubt in my mind that this was the exact reason that this person had passed away. There is no person that could survive with a foreign object this size in their bloodstream, as it would have guaranteed to restrict blood flow, if not completely occlude the venous system. What we see in the embalming room typically stays in the embalming room. It is a private room, and people don’t like to talk about things like that. We understand that. As odd as I found that white fibrous structure to be, I kept it to myself and didn’t say anything to anyone.
Over the next few weeks, I embalmed 6 more bodies, and 5 of them had these same white fibrous structures inside of them. You want to talk about weird?! This is something I’ve never seen in multiple decades of funeral service, and now there are multiple bodies all dealing with the exact same thing at the same time?! Impossible, right? What on earth is causing this? We didn’t see this is 2020, not once. So, it’s not Covid. What has changed?
If you’ve got alarm bells ringing in your head right now about what happened in spring of 2021, I would say that we did too. The only thing that had changed is that the new Covid Vaccine had started to become administered in early 2021. It had to be this, right?! What else could cause this? Nothing else had changed.
It was then that I began talking with some other of my colleagues and acquaintances that also work in the funeral business. Not only are they seeing these white fibrous structures as well, but every funeral home was INCREDIBLY busy, like off-the-charts record number of new calls. If we usually did 20 calls in the month of April, we did 50. The type of busy that everyone is just trying to keep their heads above water and make sure that families are satisfied with their care. Most funeral homes did about the same number of calls in 2020 as we had in years past, if not maybe a three to five percent increase at most, but if this keeps up, this is the real pandemic.
Why are we experiencing so many more deaths, and why do 80 plus percent of these bodies all have these white fibrin clots inside of them? We’re not scientists, we’re not doctors, we’re not investigators, but we are trained to work with a deceased human body and put them back to viewable form for their families to have a proper goodbye. And when something starts happening that has never happened before, we’re trained enough and intelligent enough to know that something happened externally, There has to be an outside force causing this, because these people are all showing the same issues, no matter what walk of life they came from, what their age was, or whether it was an acute or a chronic death.
Speaking of their age, we also saw a definite increase in the number of younger and otherwise healthy people dying. We had several in their 30’s and 40’s that dropped dead for no reason. Their death certificates were all listed as something heart related, but they all had these white fibrous structures in their arterial system. Does their doctor know this? Does their family know this? I highly doubt it.
We, as embalmers, are the only ones that are getting inside their arteries and veins and seeing what is really going on. And the dead can’t speak for themselves. Which puts us in a conundrum. As I mentioned before, the embalming room is a sacred place. A place to care for those who can no longer care for themselves. It’s a bit like Vegas. What happens in the embalming room, stays in the embalming room. But what do you do when you start seeing something that is obviously amiss, and a family is devastated and wanting to know why their loved one passed away so unexpectedly.
Do you tell them that you found weird things growing inside their loved ones? Do you just keep that to yourself? Do you tell them that you’ve been finding this in a majority of bodies? But that’s it’s only been since the Spring of 2021? Do you let them try to figure it out themselves? It became so polarizing and political, that most of us didn’t even want to open that can of worms and have a family upset at us for bringing it up.
We had people on the embalming table that would have 5, 10, 20+ of these white clots inside their veinous system. Some were small, some were thick, and some were exceptionally long. Some were singular strands, and some would bifurcate in multiple places and look almost like a root system. And I couldn’t even begin to tell you how many times were weren’t able to get them out, because they were so long and ingrained into the veins, they would break before we were able to pull them out whole. More than once I pulled these white clots out that were longer than 10 inches, and one that was 16 inches long. The thing they all had in common was this white fibrous material that didn’t look like blood or like anything else we’d seen before.
For years I had only ever found blood clots in veins, never in arteries. The blood pressure in an artery is far too strong for a clot to stay in. It would pass to a vein, where pressure is significantly less, and the vein is where it would stay. However, since 2021, we have been finding white “clots” in arteries as well. They’re everywhere in the venous and arterial system. People that were on blood thinners still had them. People with leukemia that couldn’t clot, they still had these white fibrous structures. It didn’t seem to matter how old someone was, or their manner of death, these “clots” didn’t discriminate.
We also saw an exponential increase in the number of fetal and infant deaths in 2021. From 2015-2020, you could count on one hand how many fetal deaths we had. It’s not something that is very common. But in 2021, we had more than 10 fetal deaths in less than a year. We also had deaths in several month-old babies that were otherwise perfectly healthy. The family chalked it up to SIDS, but we found out later that the breastfeeding mother was given her Covid vaccine just days prior to the death of the infant. And she wasn’t the only one that this happened to. 100% of the fetal and infant deaths that occurred in 2021 were born to vaccinated mothers. There were so many red flags occurring that we began asking every single family that we met with whether the deceased (or the mother of the infant) had previously had Covid or whether they had taken the Covid vaccination. We found that the bodies that had these weird clots inside them - about half of them previously had Covid, but 100% were vaccinated.
Lastly, we are 2 years removed from the first giant vaccine push, but we are still finding these white clots in people all the time. Death numbers have come back down closer to normal again, but the clots remain present. It remains a polarizing subject, and most still don’t want to talk about it. We get it. Ignorance is bliss. However, something significant happened, and is continuing to happen, and if we don’t talk about it, then how do we expect to stop it from happening again.
Again, I am truly grateful that this person took the time to share their story with me so that I could share it with so many others. I can only imagine how very painful it was.
Joshua 1:9
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Thank you, Laura, and thank you also to the embalmer for sharing this powerful and vitally important testimony.
Yes, every bit, no matter how seemingly small it is, contributes toward understanding and finally pin-pointing the issues surrounding the thing. It MUST be that there is some "gene therapy" tooling having gone on in which the body is tricked into making and forming these occlusive obstructions in the varied ages of the deceased. Medical technology has not been stalled during these past decades, but rather hard at work with gene "therapy" so this sort of action might be weaponized. Satanic agents have been active in the thing, and as many can attest, implements of war are seldom moth-balled.